Our Story
We know these groggy mornings. And those restless nights. It started from our own needs to hack the sleep. We started reading studies and realized there is an epidemic of sleep deprivation in modern world. 10% of the people in western countries have a chronic sleep deprivation, 20% just sleep bad a few times per week. It is growing together with a smartphone usage, led lights we use and information overload in the chaotic world around us.
Sleep is thoroughly studied in last decades. However the knowledge about sleep hygiene is not widespread. It is also a complex subject, it takes only one factor out of many to go wrong to ruin your rest.
So we started experimenting and learned it is helpful to have an assistant that takes care of your bedroom conditions, gently reminds you your promises to yourself, and let's you quickly fall asleep with sweetest sounds.
All the needed wisdom fits easily inside this nice bedside clock that keeps an eye and ear on you in bedroom, and companion app that is with you outside of your sleeping area.
We started on 2017 and had first prototype for '17 Christmas. Lots of test rounds later we are now pretty close to what it could be and looking forward to start more wide public tests soon.